The Fort Loudoun Association meets bi-monthly, usually on Garrison weekends. Meetings start at 9:00 a.m. Saturday mornings.
The Fort Loudoun Association is the friends group for Fort Loudoun State Historic Area and as such is devoted to the restoration and operation of historic Fort Loudoun. The Organization was created by the Tennessee State Legislature in 1933 and operated Fort Loudoun independently until 1978 when Fort Loudoun became part of Tennessee’s State Park system.
It is one of two volunteer groups, which bring life to Fort Loudoun. The other is the Independent Company of South Carolina whose members regularly recreate everyday life when Fort Loudoun was in use on the American frontier.
Fund raising efforts by the Fort Loudoun Association help support the Independent Company’s living history program and provides funds for reconstruction efforts in the fort. Recent efforts by the association have built an 18th Century bake oven and have rebuilt several bastion gun platforms. The association also assists the park staff by providing volunteers to work in the Visitor Center and to help with special work projects.
Current Association fund raising activities include the 18th Century Trade Faire where visitors, soldiers and Indians purchase or swap goods and enjoy entertainment just as they might have done 250 years ago.
“Organized to restore and maintain old Fort Loudoun erected 1756-1757, occupied until August 1760. The first English settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains and in the State of Tennessee”
The Fort Loudoun Association was chartered in 1933. It was the primary organization for running the site until 1977. Since that year the Fort Loudoun Association has functioned as a “Friends of the Park” organization. The Fort Loudoun Association is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations made to the Fort Loudoun Association are tax deductible. The officers of the Association include the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The membership meets six times per year. All membership meetings at held at the Fort Loudoun Visitors Center and begin at 9 AM.